Kickstarter Update and Kickstarter Live

I’m so excited that we broke though the 75% mark. 

To help celebrate, this Monday at 7pm I’m going to kick off the last week of the Kickstarter with a Kickstarter live stream. You can log in at the Kickstarter page 

 I’ll be answer question about the book, the world of the Tal Nor, upcoming coming signing and comic creation in general. I’ll also talk about how this book came about and some future projects. This is info you will not be able to get anywhere else.  

If you can’t make it to live stream, a recording of the stream will be available for 48 hours and you can leave any questions that you might have in the comments.  

I hope to see you there.  

Be Well,  


Back from Bmore

The Kickstarter ( is going strong; we just hit 25 backers and are a mere $428 away from hitting our goal. With 12 days left to go, I’m confident that we can make it before the deadline. I have some ideas for stretch goals, but first we need to make our funding goal. Remember that Kickstarter is all or nothing.

But enough about that I want to talk about the amazing comic book event I went to over the weekend. A huge thank you to everyone at Bmore into Comics ( for having me as guest at the show. It was so much fun. Two rows of incredible comic creators, each of them doing exciting books. There were three great panels all about making comics. And most importantly, everyone was simply delightful to spend the afternoon with. The only down side is that I don’t live closer and had to leave right after the show. 

On top of all that I got to hang out with one of my favs, our Cover artist Noella Whitney! I had a blast getting to catch up with her. If you have had the chance yet, go to her super fun comic 

 Even though he didn’t have a table, my friend and fellow comic writer Jordan Clark ( came by to hang out. He brought me the most wonderful gift, a signed copy of this weeks Bitch Planet Triple Feature #2. Jordan wrote the one of the stories in Bitch Planet Triple Feature #2 and it is Fan-freakin-tastic!!! Seriously, my next email after this update will be to tell him how awesome his story is! And get this, the two other stories are just as good. Do yourself a favor and go get this book on Wednesday. 

To hold you over until Wednesday, go check out the comics these fine creators make. Look here’s a handy list of links: 

 Blue Geek Music | 

Shreyas R Krishnan | 

Parker Hicks | 

M.Victoria Robado | 

Jamie Noguchi | 

Emily Beauparlant |

Deandra Tan | 

Cait May | 

Barbara Perez | 

Ashanti Fortson | 

Jonathan Eaton | 

Kata Kane | / 

I would be remised if I didn’t mention one of my favorite people in all of comics and founder of Bmore into Comics, Monica Gallagher ( I met Monica back at SPX back in ‘04 or ’05. I dug her art right away and after talking to her I quickly realized, she is the nicest person you’d ever meet. After years of seeing each other at show we became friends and she invited me to be part of Bmore #10. She was one of the first people to make me feel I belonged in comics, that I was a colleague. She couldn’t be there this time because she’s dealing with some heath stuff, but I’m, sure she’ll bounce back and be fine. You can check out another one of her comics here: 

I think that enough awesome people to keep you busy reading comics from now until I ship out your rewards. 

 Be Well, 

 T. Perran Mitchell

Behind the scene part 2

Hi, welcome back to part two of our look behind the scene at how I go about making comics. We’re doing this as part of the Kickstarter campaign for issue #2 click HERE to back.

Yesterday day we talked a lot about what it takes to get to the script. For me, as you saw, it means a lot of notes and thinking and maybe a little… OK a lot of pre-writing.

Once all of that is done, I sit down and bang out a draft of the script. In writing the script I try to think of each panel as a story beat, a snapshot into the action. How many story beats to we want on a given page, how will this flow from one page to the next? After having written a very rough draft I’ll give it a few passes, each time asking those types of questions.

When I’ve gotten the draft to point that it’s readable and I have everything more or less laid out the way I want, I turn it over to editorial. On this issue, I worked with an amazing editor named Jenny Fengler. I have always found that good editing is really asking good questions and Jenny asked some great questions. She helped me tightened up the script by asking why I did thing a certain way or why a character did something. This led me to reexamine the choices I made and if there were right for the story, if they were true to the characters. I can say without a doubt every time she asked a question it was because I was wrong and she was right.

Next comes the art. I’m extremely luck to work with such a talented artist as Kelsea. She has a great sense of how a comic should be laid out. She will take my ideas and run with them, sometimes adding more panels than I called for some time collapsing where I thought there should be two panels into one. Besides that, she also asked a lot of questions. It was almost like having a second editor, in the best possible way. Once again, she was right and I was wrong (I sense a theme). Every time I made a change it made for a better story.

Now that we talked a little bit about work flow, here is an example of the script I hand off to Kelsea. On the Kickstarter page, you’ll find the finished pages leading up to this one.

PAGE 5 (6 panels)


Inside of the constable’s HQ. I’m thinking that this is where we’ll see the strongest western influences. The inside of the constable’s office resembles that of a marshal or sheriff’s station in a western. There are a couple of desks, a pair of holding cells and hallway that leads to a couple of interview rooms along with a break room for the officers.

With the Mrayaks waiting outside, Sophie and Kat stand with the mayor in front of one of the jail cells. In the cell, sitting on the bed. is Emma. She has a wide-brim Cowboy hat on, which is lowered to cover most of her face. It appears as if Emma might be sleeping.


This is our constable -- and the Murderer -- Emma Magarey.


Wow. This is looking like our easiest case ever, isn’t it, Kat?


I think so, Soph. I mean, normally we have to investigate…but Mayor Loa has obviously done all that work for us.


Sophie and Kat continue to talk with the mayor. They both have had their fill of these kind of small town mayors who think they know how to do everyone else’s job better than they do. They’re not doing anything to try to hide their feelings of disdain. Please position them so that it will be easy to show that Kat is cutting him off via lettering.


Obviously. With such conviction in your voice, Mayor Loa, why you must have witnessed the murder yourself!


Well…no, but--


(Interrupting and cutting off the mayor)

Did anyone witness it?


Kat gets in the mayor’s face. She is giving him the kind of neutral stare that only truly dangerous people are capable of. The kind of stare that looks through a person like they’re insignificant, and that the person staring could end them without any real trouble at all. The mayor is doing his best to drop his eyes to avoid Kat’s. Inside, Bernard Loa would like to do nothing better than run from the room screaming, but he is too afraid of what reaction that might provoke.


(in a near whisper)



Then let us do our job.


(From off Panel)

Oh, I like her.


Emma Stands up next to her bed, is and is walking towards the door of the jail cell. She has tipped her hat back on her head so that the reader can see her face fully.


Hi. I’m Emma Magarey, town constable.


We can see Sophie, Kat and Emma (who has reached the door to the jail cell and is resting her hands on the bars). Everyone is standing very casually. The mayor has backed away from this exchange nervously. He may or may not be in the panel.


Pleased to meet you, Constable Magarey.

I’m Rytier Sophie LeCoise.

This is my partner, Rytier Kat Zang.


Why does the mayor think you’re the murderer?


Close up of Emma. Her nonchalance has broken down a bit and her true and deep sorrow is starting to show through. She has been holding it together well, but she is near her breaking point.


If I had to take a guess, it’s probably because Cylise Magery is my ex-husband.

<end page 5>

One thing I tend to do is not give a lot of art direction. I ‘ll first set down the facts of a panel then I like to talk about the feel of a place. After that I like to focus on the actual story of what is happening. I’ll write what each character is feeling and what they’re thinking on a particular page. The way I look at it is that I’m paying the artist for their expertise in illustrating. I don’t need to tell them how to elicit an emotion or capture a mood, I just need to tell them what the character feeling and they’ll know how to show it on the page.

After I’ve handed the script off, and answered all of Kelsea questions (each time we work together she has less, which I take as a sign I’m improving as a writer), she goes about laying each page out in rough pencils. Here is what page five looked like.

Jenny and I will look over them to make sure that we’re all envisioning that same comic and that there were no mistakes in the script. It is easier to fix mistakes here than it is to once the inks are down. When the water coloring starts, there are no changes that can be made.

I’m truly impressed that we never had to have Kelsea change anything. She hit the layouts out of the park on the first go. Let me say again I’m so very luck to work with so many talented people like Jenny and Kelsea.

Next time we’ll look at the inked line work and my preliminary lettering.

Until then, be well and thank you for backing this book. Your support means the world to me.

T. Perran Mitchell

Behind the scene part 1

As part of the Kickstarter I’m currently running for issue #2 ( CLICK HERE, I wanted to give a behind the scenes look at how I go about making a comic. It all starts way before the script. I begin by throwing some ideas down on paper by hand. Notes about plot lines and things I want to accomplish within the story. It’s a tool I use to brainstorm ideas and to start getting the ideas to a coherent form. These pages pile up, some of them get lost, some of them get thrown away as I decide what direction the story will move in, but most of them I’ll keep a reference while I write the outline and even sometimes the script. Here is an example of an early note about issue #2, I’ve blacked out the spoilers, please forgive the handwriting and poor spelling.

The objective here wasn’t to get the whole story down as much as it was to discover the shape of things. It was also a way to get to know one of the characters. My writing process is character driven. I do a ton of work getting to know each of the characters before I start writing. I like to know who they are, what they want and what they need before I start. Once I know that, I’ll just put them in a situation and see how they react. At that point, it as much them telling me what happens as it is me making stuff up.

The actual killing, the first two pages of the book, came to me all at once and I saw it very clearly. What wasn’t so clear was who the killer was and how it all went down. To figure that out I had to write a suspect list:

You can see here I have a pretty long list, with people and an idea for their motive. Some of these suspects got cut for space (comics only have so many pages). Other it turned out were figments of my imagination and don’t exist in the world of the final comic. Remember until it’s in the final, published comic, it’s not real.

After I wrote up all of these notes, realized I needed to delve more into the back story of this town and the people in it. These are things I needed to know so I could get a better handle on who everyone is and the events leading up to the comic. I ended up writing about 10 pages of prose spelling out the what happened before the comic. These pages were really helpful in working out just who did the murder and why. These pages are also something no one will ever see. Partly because much of it is kind of boring and some of what I wrote is full of salty language. I drew a bit of inspiration for this town from the show Deadwood. Now, if you’ve seen Deadwood, you know that it is just about as far from an all-ages show as one can get. I want my comic to be OK for a younger crowd to enjoy. So, all that writing had to be confined to the realm of research and for my eyes only.

Once that was done, I start plotting the book in a bullet point fashion. This outline will serve as a road map for the script. One which I take several detours from as I write. It also one that would have taken to a different place than the actual book, if I had followed it to the letter. Unfortunately, it’s full of way too many spoilers to share in an edited form.

Tomorrow we’ll pick up with a page from the script and rough pencils that Kelsea developed from them. Until then, thank you for your support and please help spread the word about this Kickstarter. You can use the shorten link

Be well,


Happy New Year

After a nice holiday break we’re back and ready to make comics. Since I’ve posted I’ve been spending most of my time working on some other little projects and a Tal Nor prose story. This story has been fighting me a little bit, but as soon as it is complete I’ll be sharing a preview of it here. Subscribers to the newsletter will receive a PDF of the whole story. Just another perk of being a subscriber. There a subscription button at the top of the sidebar to the right (hint, hint)

The other thing I have been working on is getting all my ducks in a row for Kickstarting the next issue. And this is where I could you come in. what type of rewards would you like to see offered in the next Kickstarter? Should we do another variant cover? More posters? Smaller prints? Send your suggestions to or leave a comment below. As an incentive, I’ll be giving away the digital code for a Marvel movie that I happen to have an extra code for, to a random person who gives a suggestion. You have until 1/21/2017 to be eligible.

Finally, I wrote this creepy little bit of flash fiction. Enjoy:


As I walked down the suburban street I came on a child riding a bicycle. The training wheels on either side were bent from leaning hard to take tight turns. When she rode in a straight line, neither touch the ground. Coming closer I noticed she had in her hand a red party cup. The kind you’d see at just about every party on every college campus. The cup rattled slightly as she rocked the bike forwards and back with her feet. 

“What have you got there?” I inquired once I was next to her.

“Teeth.” The girl flashed me a grin that was missing a couple of incisors and maybe a bicuspid. Peering down at the cup and I saw she told no lie, it was about a quarter full of all manner of teeth.

“Wow, I’m guessing you only have a couple more to go until you have all you’re grown up teeth.”

Her grin grew even wider like a snakes “Oh, these aren’t my teeth.” With that she, dropped the cup into the wicker basket attached to her handle bars, turned her bike around and rode off into the distance.

Issue #1 is now aviliable for pre-order

I know we've been radio silent for a little bit now.  That’s because we've been hard at work getting everything together to bring The Chronicles of the Tal Nor issue 1 to you.  I’m happy to announce that issue one is now at the printer and available for pre-order. You can order the comic by clicking HERE or Click on Order Comics in the menu.

We will start fulfilling orders in mid-October.

This issue would not have been possible without the help of all of our Kickstarter backers.  To honor them, we have set up a Wall of Thanks page here on the site.  You can find that HERE or by clicking on the Wall of Thanks link in the menu.

We also have a ton of other things in the works that we will be announcing soon.

Watch this space!


Kickstarter Achievement Unlocked

Coming in at $4,028, the Kickstarter for The Chronicles of the Tal Nor issue #1 has funded.  We hit our goal with about 45 minutes to spare. We did it with a huge push at the end from myself, my team and my friends.  Once we hit the goal, I crashed hard.


Now after a good night's sleep, I’m ready to start the hard work of publishing this sucker.  Mainly it will be getting all my ducks in a row and ordering the book from the printer.  I have a printer in mind, but given that I can’t place the order until Kickstarter gives me the money, I’m going to take this time to do my due diligence and make sure I’m making the best printing decisions. Suggestions are always welcome.


I’m going to do a more detailed post later this week thanking everyone. I want to do it right and make sure I don’t miss anyone.  But until then I want to issue a general thank you to everyone who supported us during the creation of the book and the running of the Kickstarter.  That support came through in so many forms; it was money, it was spreading the word, it was being there to listen to my non-stop talking about the project and it was being there to take my mind off the project for just a little bit when I needed it.  Thank you all so much. 


Stay tuned for more coming soon.


Be Well



I Can't Even

It's hard to know if we should gibber or Kermit flail over here at Tal Nor HQ. Sam Maggs, bestselling author of The Fangirl's Guide to the Galaxy, and Matt Mercer, voice actor and DM for Geek & Sundry's show Critical Role, have both retweeted links to our Kickstarter!


Also, we have now done some math and added international shipping to all of our rewards. So if you're somewhere that's not here in the US, all the pretties that we offer can now be yours! For a super-limited time!

We are so close. Only $1135 to go, but not much time to do it in. We've only got until 7pm Eastern Daylight Time today to make our goal. So if you'd like to support a comic full of awesome art, diverse characters, exciting action, and witty banter, NOW is the time to do it. Head on over to and remember; every little bit helps.


Welcome to the Big Times, Folks

We are speeding towards the finish line of our Kickstarter campaign for the first full issue of our comic. Only three days left! And as of right this second we still need $1804. I think we can do it, especially if one of you out there has ever wanted to appear in a comic book.

You didn't know that was something we offered? It certainly is, though there are an extremely limited number of opportunities. In today's Reward Spotlight, you can find out how. Let's take a closer look at the last three pledge levels and the thank you gifts attached to them.

The "I Want it All!" Pack

This is the first of our three big reward levels. For a donation pledge of $100 dollars you will receive pretty much All Of The Things. Specifically, that includes-

  • One copy each of the three 11" x 17" art prints
  • One copy of the printed Variant Edition (cover art by Rebecca Silver)
  • One copy of the printed standard edition (cover art by Kelsea Jewell)
  • Both print copies will be signed by author T. Perran Mitchell
  • A PDF copy of the comic to read on your digital devices
  • A public thank you
  • The secret High-Five code; use it when you see Mr. Mitchell at a convention (or most public places really) to receive "a big old High-Five"
  • BONUS! Three button pins

The Letterer Special

Besides being the writer of our comics, Mr. Mitchell is also the letterer. When you select The Letterer Special reward you get to use that particular skill to your advantage. For a pledge of $250 or more, you get-

  • T. Perran Mitchell will letter your comic or project, up to 32 pages
  • All three of the art prints
  • The variant edition of the printed comic
  • The standard edition of the printed comic
  • Mr. Mitchell will sign both copies
  • A PDF copy of the comic to read digitally
  • A heartfelt thank you
  • The High Five code
  • BONUS! Three buttons

The Super Fan Pack

This right here is where YOU have the opportunity to appear in a comic book. Only four of these packages are available. For a pledge of $500- 

  • You will be featured as a character in issue two of The Chronicles of the Tal Nor!

You will also get lots of cool things-

  • All three art prints
  • The printed Variant Edition
  • The printed standard edition
  • Both comics will be signed by author T. Perran Mitchell
  • A PDF copy of the comic
  • Our deepest, greatest, and most heartfelt gratitude shouted to the skies (along with a thank you printed somewhere)
  • The secret High-Five Code
  • BONUS! Three button pins


I will be the first to admit that these pledge levels are no chump change. To put in in perspective though, it's quite a lot of value for the money. Having Mr. Mitchell letter for you costs a minimum of $10 a page. If your project is as long as our comic is, that covers the entirety of your pledge right there. To actually be in a comic isn't an opportunity that comes along very often. And many of these items will never be available again after 7pm EDT on Monday.

They're big, but I hope you consider it. If it's still a bit much, anything you can spare would be deeply appreciated. We're so excited to share all of the work that we've done. You can help that happen, and we are so grateful for it.

Thank you.